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Last Updated June 21, 2024

The steps I take to write a job advertisement that attracts the best people

There is an art to writing a job advertisement, I am going to share with you my steps for writing a job advertisement that attracts the best people. 

Let’s start by understanding what is a job advertisement.

An effective job advertisement is a carefully tailored message with the aim of attracting the best qualified candidates for your job, whilst sharing information about your business, your brand and the role.

Your aim when advertising.

Your aim when advertising for a position is to make a potential candidate motivated to apply in the first place, and really want the job.

Before you can write your job advertisement though, you need to be clear about the role that you are hiring for. That includes:

  • Determine the right engagement type whether it be employee, contractor, outsourced or offshore;
  • Confirm the number of hours required and the duration of the work whether it be flexible, short term or permanent;
  • Outline the tasks that the person will be required to perform; and
  • Identify the relevant skills and experience required to perform the role along with any relevant qualifications or licenses.

Now that you are clear on the role you can start to write the job advertisement, ensuring you use language that applicants will understand and provide them with information that will leave them wanting to know more.

5 key elements of a good advertisement.

Have you ever gone through the process of writing a job advertisement, posting it online and using family and friends to spread the word, only to receive no responses at all, or perhaps even worse, you received a large number of applications from people who were not the right match for the role?

Every good job advertisement needs these five key elements included to ensure you attract the best people;

  • Briefly explain your business
  • Describe the key focus and duties of the role
  • List the skills and experience needed for the role
  • Provide detail of the benefits and culture of your business
  • How to apply and what to submit

Let’s take a closer look at each key element.

Briefly explain your business
In a few short sentences describe your business. You might consider including information about the size, product or service and/or industry, the clientele as well as location.

Describe the key focus and duties of the role
Provide an overview of the role by describing simply and succinctly what the key focus will be, including high level core duties. Follow with bullet points on the core duties as it will make it easier to read.

List the skills and experience needed for the role
State exactly what you need from the individual who will be successful in the position. Follow with bullet points on skills, experience, or industry knowledge required and if you require certain resources for example own laptop, car or relevant memberships and registrations.

Ensure that you only list what are the must have items and think carefully about what the preferred candidate could reasonably obtain or learn during the probationary period.

Provide detail of the benefits and culture of your business
Outline what the key benefits are of working for your business. You might consider including information your ideal candidate would value, such as information that impacts them financially, career progression details, training they will receive or how the business supports work-life balance.

How to apply and what to submit
Lastly include information about how to apply for the position (this might be through a third party platform or via an email address) and what documents are required as part of the application.

To assist in the shortlisting of candidates you might consider requesting a cover letter, resume, samples of work or relevant memberships and registrations, answers to filtering questions, just to name a few.

Final steps of the recruitment process. 

Once you have written your job advertisement the next steps of the recruitment process include:

  • Select where to advertise and publish the vacancy
  • Shortlisting, 
  • Phone screening
  • Interviews,
  • Background checks, and
  • Offer of employment

All of these stages of the process are just as important as the initial recruitment planning and will assist in leveraging your vacancy in the marketplace and to attract suitable candidates to apply.

A successful recruitment process.

There is benefit in planning your next hire so invest the time and set your business and your new employees up for success.  Need some assistance?  Contact Small Business Society today.


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About Kate Tongue

Kate Tongue is the founding Director of Small Business Society.

She is a qualified and experienced Human Resources professional with more than 10 years’ experience across the private and public sectors.

Her particular interest and experience is in managing the employee life cycle, delivering process improvements, and Human Resource strategy.

Looking for more information on the various stages of the employee life cycle or Human Resources in general?  The following may interest you.

Articles to assist you with the hiring process:
How to get the most out of a phone screen interview
The must ask interview questions

Articles to assist you with developing and coaching your leaders:
9 coaching questions to help your leaders lead

Plus lots more information and advice:
Small Business Society Blog