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Last Updated December 5, 2022

Develop successful leaders in 8 steps

The role of a strong leader and manager is to communicate, empower and motivate their employees, whilst being strategically focused on performance outcomes.

It is therefore important to guide and develop future leaders and managers within the business and provide support to current leaders and managers, so they can enhance both their own and their team’s performance. 

There are so many businesses getting it wrong, with leaders and managers who are failing to effectively lead and manage.

Many businesses are not providing the right, if any, support and development to their leaders and managers. This is having an effect on individual performance and ultimately their team’s performance.

How can businesses provide support to their leaders and managers, and provide them with the development they need to meet expectations?

There are eight steps that a business can take to ensure that they are providing best practice and compliant human resources specific to the needs of their leaders and managers.

Step 1: Human resources strategy and plan. 

Every business should have a documented strategy and plan that outlines the long term requirements of its employees, specifically its leaders and managers, to achieve the business strategy. There is no better way to motivate an individual or group of individuals than to get them involved in shaping the future direction of the business. The human resources strategy and plan should be reviewed as part of the annual planning and budgeting processes for the business.

Step 2: Recruitment Strategy. 

To attract and retain leaders and managers, businesses should consider all aspects of the recruitment process by determining and designing a recruitment strategy accordingly. This involves considering the advertising messages, a structured selection and interview process, psychometric testing or input from key stakeholders.

Step 3: Robust Employment documentation. 

Successful candidates must receive a written employment contract, which includes specific clauses for leaders and managers such as performance based targets, accountability, cars and equipment, travel and expenses plus company credit cards or longer notice periods, as well as other relevant new starter documents. Each position should have a documented position description, which is regularly reviewed to ensure expectations, accountability and job design matches what the business requires.

Step 4: Induction Program.

 An engaging, welcoming and informative induction program designed for leaders and managers will set the business, leaders and managers, as well as their teams, up for success. The program can include financials, human resources, communication, leadership styles, report writing and presentation skills.

Step 5: Individual Capabilities. 

Businesses need to understand the current workforce to be able to provide the necessary support, development and guidance to current and future leaders and managers. This requires documenting all the skills, knowledge, business knowledge, experience and leadership capabilities for each individual.

Step 6: Set up future ready individuals.

With the changes identified in the human resources strategy to the business, the industry and clients needs, set up the leaders and managers for the future by identifying and addressing any gaps in their skills, knowledge, business knowledge, experience and leadership capabilities.  

Step 7: Annual performance appraisal program.  

Assessing individual work performance will benefit leaders and managers to achieve the goals and objectives of the business. This process allows for open and two way communication, recognition, career guidance as well as development opportunities along the way. 

Step 8: Ongoing training.

As the needs of your business and clients change, so to will the needs of the leaders, managers and employees. Empower your employees with the confidence of ongoing training opportunities. This will assist them to have the necessary skills, knowledge and behaviours required to meet current and future job requirements.  Consider offering a variety of on and off the job training, internal and external courses and workshops, compliance training, supported external study, as well as coaching and mentoring. 

There are different methods of training available and which should be used to develop employees which will vary based on your location, budget, workload and the individual’s needs.

Remember, supporting your leaders and managers within the Human Resources function doesn’t need to be difficult and should be ongoing.

Contact Small Business Society today and let us, help you, complete your business Human Resources.

The information provided in this document is for your guidance only and is general in nature. It does not constitute as legal advice. It is the responsibility of the individual to seek legal advice where required.

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About Kate Tongue

Kate Tongue is the founding Director of Small Business Society.

She is a qualified and experienced Human Resources professional with more than 10 years of experience across the private and public sectors.

Her particular interest and experience is in managing the employee life cycle, delivering process improvements, and Human Resource strategy.

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